UYAP - Uludag University Building Society
Uludag University Building Community (UYAP) was established by Uludag University Civil Engineering students by holding its first general assembly meeting on 31 March 2016. Community is the name given to a group of people who are close to each other in terms of certain criteria and objectives.
Our aims are
-Personal development
-Vocational development
-Gain social responsibility
-Fun and co-operation.
Our Classics
-Meeting Breakfast
-Da Vinci Bridge Competition
-Makarna Tower Competition
-Technical Trips
-Building My Future
Our society has brought students studying Civil Engineering to the field with many construction site visits. By organising seminars on different topics, it aims to give students an idea about these issues, to create question marks in their minds and to strengthen the sense of cooperation and to have fun by organising competitions with prizes.
Click here for UYAP Presentation.
Management & Organisation
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Semanur TASLAK
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors: Kutay KOCAKULAK
Professional Development Co-ordinatorship: Çağdaş AKYILDIZ, Sedef CEYLAN
Social Activity Co-ordination: Fehmi CÜRE, Muhammed Emir TENEKECİ, Mustafa Taha ZİYALI
Media Coordinatorship: Leman Ebrar KOÇ, Simay ALPAY, Saliha Sıla BAYRAMOĞLU
Technical Trip Co-ordination: Abdullah YILMAZ, Ümmünur ATEŞ
Community Counsellor Ozan ENGIN
Official Website:
Our Social Media Accounts:
E-mail: [email protected]