Students who have successfully completed all 8 formation courses will see the Teaching Practice course on the course selection screens and can participate in the practice by choosing this course. These students only need to follow our next announcement where their school and counsellors will be announced. Practicum training in high schools will officially start on the week of 7 October.
8 students who are missing one or two of the formation courses, please download the petition presented in the attached pdf form, fill it completely with a blue ballpoint pen, take a clean-looking photo of it and write ‘Teaching Practice’ in the subject section of the e-mail and send the petition presented below to the‘[email protected]’ address of our Dean's Student Affairs Unit until the specified deadline (19 September 2024, the last date of course selections).
As a result of the evaluation, it will be decided who can go to the Teaching Practicum. The course selection process of those deemed appropriate will be done by us.
Click for the form
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