Faculty of Sciences and Letters

Faculty of Sciences and Letters


Archaeology Bachelor’s Degree

Ark1006 Architektur der Ägäis

Ark1016 Zivilisationen Anatoliens in der Antike

Ark2024 Archaeologie der Mysischen Region

Ark2064 Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene- Fach Terminologie II

Ark2066 Geschichte der Urbanisation

Ark3006 Architektur der Hellenistischen Zeit

Ark3064 Deutsch Für Den Beruf II

Ark4018 Architektur Der Römischen Kaiserzeit  II

Ark4060 Bearbeitung Der Wissenschaftlichen Texte : Lesen, Schreiben, Verstehen II


Chemistry Bachelor’s Degree

Kim4058 Light and Chemistry

Kim3016 Quantum Chemistry

Kim3012 Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry

Kim4006 Analytical Separation Methods

Kim4048 Heterocyclic Chemistry

Kim3006 Biochemistry

Kim3008 Biochemistry Laboratory

Kim4056 Industrial Organic Molecules

Kim3014 Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry

Kim4008 Metals in Medicine

Kim3018 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives


Psychology Bachelor’s Degree

PSİ 1002 Introduction to Psychology II

PSİ 1004 Introduction to Research Methods

PSİ 2014 Readings in Psychology

PSİ 3008 Psychopathology II

PSİ 3052 Introduction to Neuropsychology

PSİ 3056 Selected Topics in Social Psychology

PSI 3060 Cognitive Processes

PSİ 4002 Culture and Psychology

PSİ 4060 Environmental Psychology

PSİ 4062 Selected Topics in Clinical Psychology

PSİ 4064 Contemporary Issues in Developmental Psychology

PSİ 4082 Psychopharmacology

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