International Papers


Keremer O., Malay F. C., Deveci B., Kırcı P., Unal P., "1-Optimisation of a Chemical Process by Using Machine Learning Algorithms with Surrogate Modeling",19th International Conference, MobiWIS 2023, Marrakush, Fas, August 14 - 16 2023, vol.13977,pp.187-201.

Dogan M., Uysal B., Kırcı P., "An Application for Hearing Impaired that Understands Signal Language from Hand Gestures",7th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (Colins 2023), Kharkiv, Ukrain, April 20 - 21  2023, pp.10-20


F. Karpat, O. C. Kalay, A. E. Dirik, O. Doğan, B. Korcuklu and C. Yüce, "Convolutional Neural Networks Based Rolling Bearing Fault Classification Under Variable Operating Conditions," 2021 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA), 2021, pp. 1-6.

Karpat, F, Dirik, AE, Kalay, OC, Yüce,C, Doğan,O,& Korcuklu,B."Fault Diagnosis With Deep Learning for Standard and Asymmetric Involute Spur Gears." Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 13: Safety Engineering, Risk, and Reliability Analysis; Research Posters. Virtual, Online. November 1–5, 2021. V013T14A029.

Bahadır Akın Akgül, Kemal Fidanboylu, “A Review for Artificial Intelligence Solutions at E-commerce Field”, 4th International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICONDATA’21), June 4-6, 2021, TURKEY, pp. 500-508.

Esin Karan, Muhammed Eren Morkoç, Ahmet Erdoğan Şireci, Kemal Fidanboylu, “Indoor and Outdoor Navigation Application Development with Augmented Reality Technology”, 5th International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, 08-10 June 2021, Van, pp. 88.

Ahmet Erdoğan Şireci, Esin Karan, Muhammed Eren Morkoç, Kemal Fidanboylu, “Use of Augmented Reality Technology in Navigation Systems”, 4th International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICONDATA’21), June 4-6, 2021, TURKEY, pp. 481-488.

Muhammed Eren Morkoç, Esin Karan, Ahmet Erdoğan Şireci, Kemal Fidanboylu, “Comparison of Augmented Reality Libraries”, 4th International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICONDATA’21), June 4-6, 2021, TURKEY, pp. 191-199.

Çoruh H., Çivioğlu İ. N., Öztürk C. N., Navigation Patterns of a Hybrid Scanning Agent using Uninformed and Informed Search Algorithms for Reactive and Deliberative Behaviors, IEEE Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), Ankara, Turkey, Sept. 2021, pp. 775-780.

Detection and Separation of Transparent Objects from Recyclable Materials with Sensors” Senturk S. F. , Gulmez H. K. , Gul M. F. , Kırcı P. 1st International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing (ANTIC-2021) , Varanasi, Hindistan, 17 - 18 Aralık 2021, ss.10-15

Stock Market Analysis with Machine Learning” Arslan M. E. , Kırcı P. 1st International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences ICAENS 2021, Konya, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Kasım 2021, ss.12-13

“Akıllı tarımda sensör uygulaması ile yeni bir yöntem tasarımı” Öztürk E., Çelik Y., Kırcı P. 1st International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences ICAENS 2021, Konya, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Kasım 2021, ss.15-16

“An Image Processing Application for Cancer Detection” Boyraz G., Öztürk F., Kırcı P. 1st International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences ICAENS 2021, Konya, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Kasım 2021, ss.11-12 

“A Low-Cost Intelligent Metal Recycling Machine” Senturk S. F. , Donmez M. F. , Gulmez H. K. , Gul M. F. , Kırcı P. 4 th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (AICT) - 2021, Lviv, Ukrayna, 21 - 25 Eylül 2021, ss.20-25

“Smart Home Automation System” Kaya S., Gorucu O., Kırcı P. 4 th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (AICT) - 2021, Lviv, Ukrayna, 21 - 25 Eylül 2021, ss.66-71

“A Mobile Application About Earthquake to be Used Before and After a Disaster” Arslan D., Dinçer S. F. , Kırcı P. 4 th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (AICT) - 2021, Lviv, Ukrayna, 21 - 25 Eylül 2021, ss.11-15

“A Mobile Application For The Visually Handicapped” Kır R., İşcan A., Kırcı P. IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT-2021), Lviv, Ukrayna, 22 - 25 Eylül 2021, ss.25-30

“Designing a Smart Vacuum Cleaner” Soran A. B. , Biten R. T. , Kırcı P. IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT-2021), Lviv, Ukrayna, 22 - 25 Eylül 2021, ss.10-15

“Recognition of Handwritten Numbers with Data Sets” Cambek M. F. , Kırcı P. 35th International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech-2021), Varna, Bulgaristan, 16 - 17 Eylül 2021, ss.12-16

“An Application that Separate Recyclable Materials” Polater M. S. , Kırcı P. 35 th International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech-2021), Varna, Bulgaristan, 16 - 17 Eylül 2021, ss.12-16

“A Comparison of Deep Transfer Learning Methods on Bearing Fault Detection” Deveci B. U. , Çeltikoğlu M., Alp T., Albayrak Ö., Ünal P., Kırcı P. The 8th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2021), Rome, İtalya, 23 - 25 Ağustos 2021, ss.100-108

“Applying Game Theory Concept to Improve Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing” Khudhur D. M. , Yahiya T. A. , Kırcı P.  The 17 th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems- MobiWIS, Rome, İtalya, 23 - 25 Ağustos 2021, ss.108-118

“Smart greenhouse and smart agriculture” Kırcı P. , Öztürk E., Çelik Y. The 29th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Tampere, Finlandiya, 12 - 14 Mayıs 2021, ss.12-16

“Design of a smart vacuum cleaner with indoor localization” Toprak J., Kamiloglu A., Kırcı P. The 29th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Tampere, Finlandiya, 12 - 14 Mayıs 2021, ss.12-16

“Text Creation with Artificial Neural Networks” Guldibi O., Demircan B., Kırcı P. The 28th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Moskva, Rusya, 27 - 29 Ocak 2021

“Constructing a 3D Game with UNITY 3D Game Engine” Boyraz G., Kırcı P. The 28th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Moskva, Rusya, 27 Ocak 2021

Detecting Transparency of Glasses with Capsule Networks Based on Deep Learning, M Bilgin, K Mutludoğan, 2021 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering 

A New Approach Based on Simulation of Annealing to Solution of Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem, M Bilgin, N Bulut, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering

M. Cicioglu, ‘Fuzzy Logic based Handover Management in Small Cell Networks’, in 2021 29th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Jun. 2021, pp. 1–4, doi: 10.1109/SIU53274.2021.9477934.

M. Cicioğlu, ‘Handover Management in SDN-based 5G Small Cell Network’, in 2nd International Symposium on Applied Science and Engineering - ISASE 2021, 2021, pp. 1–4.

M. Cicioğlu, ‘Bilişsel Radyo Ağlarında Makine Öğrenmesine Dayalı Kötü Niyetli Kullanıcı Tespiti’, in 2nd International Conference On Access To Recent Advances In Engineering And Digitalization, 2021, pp. 1–5.


A. Hatipoglu, M. Subran, F. F. Korkmaz, M. O. Kaya, and K. Fidanboylu, "Verification of Patent Solution Proposed for Munition Release Systems Using TRIZ-Based Root Conflict Analysis (RCA+) Approach", 8th International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science (ISITES2020), Bursa, 23-25 October 2020, Academic Perspective Procedia, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 115-126.

A. E. Sireci, S. Demirhan, A. Hatipoglu, K. Fidanboylu, “Radarlarda Hava Aracı Konumunun Kalman Filtresi ile Kestirimi”, 3rd International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICONDATA'2020), İstanbul, 25-28 June 2020, pp. 211-219.

M. Subran, F. F. Korkmaz, A. Hatipoglu, K. Fidanboylu, “TRIZ Araçlarından Fonksiyonel Analiz ve Kök Çelişki Analizi Kullanarak Bir Mühendislik Probleminin Çözümü”, 4. Çukurova Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi, Adana, 21-23 Feb. 2020, pp. 239-253.

A. Alemdar, B. Dedeoğlu, C. Örnek, G. Özcan, Ş. G. Temel. "Analysis of Alterations Between Variant Annotations in Clinvar Datasets",  Yayın Yeri:1st Bursa International Genetics Days: Dermatogenetics Symposium, 2020 (09.01.2020 -11.01.2020 )

P. Kırcı. E. Gülbak.  "Sentiment Analysis with Instagram Data" International Conference on Information Technologies 2020-INFOTECH, Sofia- Bulgaria, 17 - 18 Eylül 2020

E. Aydındağ Bayrak, P. Kırcı." Fractal Analysis of Thyroid Ultrasound Image DataEvaluation"  IEEE Second International Conference on System Analysis Intelligent Computing (SAIC’2020), Kiev, Ukrayna, 5 - 09 Ekim 2020

P. Kırcı, H. İgdeli, "Remote Access of a Greenhouse Automation," International Conference on Information Technologies 2020, Infotech, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020

P.  Kırcı, M. Y. Namlı, M. Ergin, F. Avcı. , "Smart Home System for Making Easier the Living of the Elderly,"  9th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, İstanbul, Turkey, 2020

P. Kırcı, F. Cambek. "Bağışçıların Kan Bağışı Yapma Olasılıkları Analizi" 2nd International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (EurasianSciEnTech 2020), October 07-09, 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey, 2020

P.  Kırcı, Ş. Aktaş, B. Sevinç, "Analyzing Blood Donation Probabilities And Number Of Possible Donors"  2nd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications, Ankara, Turkey, Ankara, Turkey, 2020                

P.  Kırcı, F. Cambek, "Şekil ve Duruştan El Hareketi Tanıma Sistemi Tasarımı,"  8th International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science, ISITES2020, Bursa, Turkey, 2020


A. Karakucuk, A.E. Dirik, “Source Device Attribution of Thermal Images Captured with Handheld IR Cameras”, 11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2019, November 28-30, 2019.

S. Vatansever, A.E. Dirik and N. Memon, “Factors Affecting ENF based Time-Of-Recording Estimation for Video”, ICASSP 2019, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Brighton, United Kingdom, May 12-17, 2019.

K.Mutludoğan, M Bilgin, "American Sign Language Character Recognition with Capsule Networks", 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT), 11-13 Oct. 2019.


B. Satar, A.E. Dirik, “Deep Learning Based Vehicle Make-Model Classification”, The 27th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2018, Rhodes, Greece, 4­-7 October 2018.

C.N. Ozturk, S. Albayrak, "Segmentation of Femoral Cartilage with a Hybrid Method Combining Voxel Classification and Active Appearance Models", ACM Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Imaging Signal Processing, Bari, Italy, October 11–13, 2018.

M.Bilgin, M.Eser, M.Utku, "Classification of Cancerous Cells with Machine Learning Methods", International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey, December 15-16, 2018.

M.Bilgin, G.Karaağaç, M.Utku, "Design and Implementation of a Four Axis Printer Robotic Arm  ", International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey, December 15-16, 2018.

M.B. Karadeniz, A. Dogru, C.Togay, "Finding Product Family and Principal Variant Features Using Principals Component Analysis", SDPS2018, Bologna, Italy, December 5-7, 2018.

O.M. Candan, A. Levi, C. Togay, "Generating One-Time Keys for Secure Multimedia Communication",2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Kansas City, ABD, May 20-24, 2018


C. Togay, Tokdemir, G., Doğru,A., Process Decomposition using Axiomatic Design Theory, SDPS2017, Kasım 4-11, 2017

E. Gulbandılar, G. Özcan, M. Akçay, Y. Koçak, "Predicting the Splitting Tensile Strength of Concrete Containing Zeolite under the Effect of H2SO4 by Fuzzy Logic", International Academic Research Congress. 18-21 Ekim 2017

Bilgin,M., Köktaş, H., Word2Vec Based Sentiment Analysis forTurkish Texts, International Conference on Engineering Technologies, 7-9 Aralık 2017.

Bilgin,M., Şentürk, İ.F., Sentiment analysis on Twitter data with semi-supervised Doc2Vec, International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), 5-8 October 2017.


G.Özcan, "Hardware counter analysis with PAPI for Efficient Computer Programming", 1st International Conference on Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey 21-22 April 2016

G.Özcan, DNA Sequence Analysis of CCHF with R, International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium (IDAP'16), 262-265, 28-30 Eylül, 2016

G. Özcan, E. Gülbandilar, Determination of Back-Pain Levels using Classification Techniques, International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium (IDAP'16),  242-245, 28-30 Eylül, 2016

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